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Happy Gen Xer rejoices after witnessing a group of bicycle kids who actually enjoy playing outside: 'This was the most mid-1980s thing ever'

Nostalgia can strike at any moment, but for a Gen X dude who hasn't seen kiddos playing outside in decades, the feels hit strongest when he sees a pile of bicycles on a neighborhood lawn.
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terrible coworkers, antiwork, workplace stories, work stories, toxic workplace, job, work story, bad jobs, work, coworkers, workplace, twitter discourse, toxic work environment, twitter

'Teaching 7 classes a semester on 3 different campuses and making less than $30k/year': Workers share experiences in the workplace that radicalized them

I could never
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‘Back off from my husband’: Neighbor Woman Keeps Making Obvious Advances On a Married Man, the Wife Gets Involved, Causing a Rift in the Relationship

‘Back off from my husband’: Neighbor Woman Keeps Making Obvious Advances On a Married Man, the Wife Gets Involved, Causing a Rift in the Relationship

Time to crank up Beyoncé and have it out
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27 pictures of text | Thumbnail includes one picture of a dog in a cage and one picture of text including 'At that point, she brought the one dog back and a few weeks later, told me that the friend moved and she didn't know where and didn't want to give my dog back then blocked me.'

Distressed Doggo Owner Finds Out Friend Gave Her Dog Away, Sues the Friend for $10,000 in Canine Conundrum Court

If anyone came between us and our fur babies...
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52 The Phantom Menace behind the scenes Snapshots | thumbnail includes two The Phantom Menace behind the scenes Snapshots

Celebrate 25 Years of The Phantom Menace with These 52 Behind the Scenes Photos

25 Years of Star Wars Magic
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viral twitter thread and tiktok videos about a man who adopted a cat and takes care of it even though he claims to hate cats | thumbnail includes three pictures including someone holding a kitten and a kitten screaming and a kitten in a cat bed 'is anyone else really invested in the guy on TikTok who found a kitten under his trailer in the Sonoran desert and he keeps pretending she's not an immediate light in his life'

'I Hate Cats': Kitten Adopts A Man, He Claims To Not Love Cats, The Internet Warns Him That He Will Fall For Her, And He Does In The Most Awwdorable Way

No one could withstand her cuteness
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Boomer employee threatens to sue company for free gas because coworkers can charge electric cars at work: 'He filed a complaint with HR stating he's been discriminated against for being old'

Things took a turn for the worse for these coworkers who were supposedly friends. The older coworker thought he was being treated unfairly due to, in his words, refusing to adopt a "woke liberal mentality." Mind you, this is a dispute over electric cars. The Original Poster (OP) has an electric car himself. His coworker's designated parking spot used to be all the way in the back of the lot despite the man using a cane. So, the OP decided to switch his spots because he was right in front of t...
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work, work memes, relatable work memes, employee, working, job, office, employees, office, coworkers, boss, manager, memes, funny, funny memes

The Best Relatable Work Memes This Week (May 20, 2024)

Time for work
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Divorced Man Refuses to Buy His Kid a $1000 Gift, Defying Ex-Wife's Terms and Conditions

Divorced Man Refuses to Buy His Kid a $1000 Gift, Defying Ex-Wife's Terms and Conditions

Divorce is never an easy process, especially when children are involved. Youngsters are sensitive beings who simply yearn for security, affection, and comfort. Therefore, when there's a possibility that the children will be affected, life-changing events like divorce should be handled very cautiously. The story below is an account of a confused father. As a recently divorced father, the original poster (OP) is still adjusting to his new way of life. The child's best interests will always come f…
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33 animal memes | Thumbnail includes one animal meme including 'shut up. i have the talking stick' and one animal meme including 'Beautiful view from our air bnb! Don't mind the bear'

33 Fantasically Fresh Funnies and Animal Memes To Get Your Blood Pumping With Pawsitivity

Time to rise and shine with fresh animal memes
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35 memes about being weird | thumbnail includes two pictures of weird memes

Why Am I Like This: 35 Relatable Posts About Not Being Normal

31 'Why am I Like This?' Moments That'll Make You Feel Seen
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viral twitter thread about genetically disabled cats | thumbnail includes two pictures including a British Shorthair cat and a Wolfcat and one tweet 'torren @torrensstuff awareness thread of genetically disabled cat breeds that most people don't know are disabled (aka cat breeds to avoid buying)'

Thread Of Genetically Disabled (And Absolutely Purrfect) Cat Breeds That Most People Don't Know About To Spread Awareness

Because it's better to know
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'Any discomfort is the result of their own choices': Traveller insists on reclining their airline seat to get back at poorly-behaved toddler

'Any discomfort is the result of their own choices': Traveller insists on reclining their airline seat to get back at poorly-behaved toddler

Parents who travel with young kids deserve a medal of some sort. Going to the airport as an adult can be a stressful experience on its own, let alone bringing along your 15-month-old who loves screaming and throwing handfuls of Cheerios. Lots of people will see your kiddo and give you a smile, because kids are super cute. What's less cute is a toddler who is on your actual flight . The little ones just can't sit still! They want to run around and play. They can't understand why they're expected…
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'This decision effects our entire family': Wife agrees to be a surrogate for strangers, risking her marriage and family life for $50k+

It takes two to tango
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Woman Attempts to Take SIL’s Nanny Away With Promises of a Better Job and Higher Salary

Woman Attempts to Take SIL’s Nanny Away With Promises of a Better Job and Higher Salary

For many parents who want to run their lives as smoothly as possible, nannies are the holy grail. Considering this, how would you respond if your sister-in-law tried to lure your nanny away with the promise of a bigger payday? The story below is of a dumbfounded mother. The original poster (OP), a mother of three, hired the most incredible nanny to help her take care of the children. The nanny is dependable, creative, and well-liked by the children. As a result, OP quickly agreed to the nanny's…
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collection of funny animal memes | thumbnail includes two memes including

27 Uplifting Funny Memes Of Animals Being Complete And Total Derps (May 19, 2024)

Animal memes for the soul
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