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Awwdorable Comeradery Forms on Day 1 When a Smol Kitten and Newborn Baby Share the Crib

They're basically twins
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'I'm old now': 25 Moments when Gen X and elder Millennials comprehended their advanced maturity

"When I started sympathizing with the parents in teen movies"
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kindergarten, daughter in law, aita, school, elementary school, grandma, reddit story, private school, in laws, mother in law, grandparents, reddit thread, Reddit, grandmother, son

Mom pressures mother-in-law to leave her teaching job of 13 years because she doesn't want her son in her kindergarten class: 'She asked me to move positions or to retire'

How dare she?
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25 Women Confess Their Biggest Mistakes So Others Don't Make the Same: 'I’ve learned that you will never say the wrong thing to the right person'

We love to see women supporting women!
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A Fish Bucket Full of 35 Sweet n' Salty Sea Doggos That'll Snag the Seal of Awwpproval

Chonkulous seals and sea lions
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41 pictures of great cosplay | thumbnail includes two pictures of great cosplay

These People Are Taking Cosplay to the Next Level (May 15, 2024)

Cosplay is an art form. Sure, anyone can throw on a costume of their favorite character from pop culture, But some people take the whole thing to the next level . These people spend a lot of time and a lot of money to get their costumes just right. But it's not just about being as close to the original as possible. Sometimes it's all about the idea and execution. I mean, Pulling off a perfect J.R.R Martin cosplay or a dumb and dumber cosplay (including the chipped tooth) is a stroke of genius.…
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Created by Chris10a
workplace discussion employment issues antiwork workplace-stories jobs employment-discussion job work workplace Horrible Bosses employment in the workplace - 2472455

Employee discovers the new hire is making more than them: 'With zero experience in this position'

While it might be tempting to wait out an impending layoff or quit rather than stomach unfair treatment or the foul nature of your egotistical boss… Without a doubt, the best time to find a new job is when you're still employed. You'll be undoubtably less stressed due to more financial stability allowing you to be more selective and find the right role. During interviews this feeling of security allows you to come across more confidently, which apart from making you more likely to get another r…
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funny random memes, hilarious, relatable memes, random memes, silly memes, funny memes, Memes, meme, hilarious memes, silly, funny tweets, funny, funny meme

30+ Memes For Pondering The Self

Think about it
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37 Precious Lord of the Rings Memes for Middle Earth Ladies on a Journey to Mordor

37 Precious Lord of the Rings Memes for Middle Earth Ladies on a Journey to Mordor

Your journey to Mordor has just begun.
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'She worked so hard to keep [her babies] alive': Stray basset hound takes shelter in a random shop to give birth during a storm, gets rescued along with all of her puppies, goes viral

'She worked so hard to keep [her babies] alive': Stray basset hound takes shelter in a random shop to give birth during a storm, gets rescued along with all of her puppies, goes viral

“This poor mama did whatever she could to find a safe space for her and her babies.”
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27 memes about wizards | thumbnail includes two pictures of wizard memes

27 Spellbound Wizard Memes That Are Magically Funny

Welcome to a world where magic and mirth collide in our enchanting collection of 27 wizard-themed memes . Whether you're a fan of wise old mages, quirky spellcasters, or just love a good chuckle with a magical twist, these memes are sure to cast a spell of laughter. Each meme in this collection weaves a tale of humor, poking fun at the mystic and the mystical in ways that resonate with both wizarding aficionados and casual fans alike. From the classic struggles of potion-making gone wrong to th…
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comics Cats - 9922210816
Via icanhascheezburger
'Grandma just smiles and says she'll be back': Unhelpful bank manager shocked when customer pulls thousands of dollars from his bank

'Grandma just smiles and says she'll be back': Unhelpful bank manager shocked when customer pulls thousands of dollars from his bank

This grandmother is putting her foot down.
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dad tweets, twitter, Twitter Thread, lazy, twitter reactions, parenting, tweets, dad, parenting tweets, tweet, Parenting Fail, twitter discourse, parents, Father, Parenting FAILS, shopping cart, shopping carts

Dad refuses to put shopping carts away because he can't leave his 17, 14, and 12-year-old daughters in the car alone: 'Parents love to create problems for themselves'

He's not a good person
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Pregnant Wife's Dream Baby Name Vetoed By Husband, Sparking Tension in Their Relationship

Pregnant Wife's Dream Baby Name Vetoed By Husband, Sparking Tension in Their Relationship

There are a lot of things to think about and things not to be taken lightly when preparing for a baby. That being said, not every disagreement—even when it seems like every decision you make will directly impact your unborn child's future—should end in a brawl or dispute. The story below tells the tale of a puzzled husband. The original poster (OP) is expecting a second child with his wife. Together, they are looking at potential names for their unborn child. During the conversation, multiple o…
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